Projects Ideas (Studienarbeit, Bachelor & Master Theses)

Projects Ideas (Studienarbeit, Bachelor & Master Theses)

On this page, we present our project ideas for “Studienarbeiten”, Bachelor's and Master's theses. Most projects are also suitable for other projects like an internship or project groups. Please note that you need to register an account to see the projects.

Please note that we receive many requests for supervision, and choose candidates carefully. Read the details on our website for more information on what you can expect from us, what we expect from you, and how to apply.

Each project presented below can be realized in one or more ways. The description of the project specifies the possible realizations. This references possible project types. Hence, please see Project Types for more details on what types of projects exist. Furthermore, you are invited to think about your own realization of a project and which type of project would be most appropriate.

In general, we split our topics into four categories: Recommender Systems (RecSys); Automated Machine Learning (AutoML); Machine Learning (ML); and other. These categories represent the research fields of our chair.

Recommender Systems (RecSys)


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Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

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Machine Learning (ML)

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